Agile Transformation

Depending on the size and the level of maturity of your organization, we provide four different types of service offerings


If you have one or more small teams and just want to quickly start agile at team levels, this is the right solution for you. Donan can customize an agile jump-start solution for you.
Our solution consists of training and ongoing coaching for Scrum and Kanban activities, as well as support for agile tools, and continuous agility health assessment.


The Scaled Agile Framework is the world’s leading framework for business agility. Our Essential Agile offering is for programs that want to implement the basic building blocks for SAFe adoption.
We will help you establish a Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE), define your organization’s value streams, and launch one or multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs).


The Large Solution Agile is suitable for organizations that are building the world’s largest applications, networks, and cyber-physical systems with multiple teams that deliver major capabilities of the solution. We will help you build a large solution train consisting of multiple ARTs and keep the ARTs aligned. Each ART contributes to the development of the solution.


If you have a very large organization and want to implement agile at the portfolio or enterprise level, this is the right solution for you.
We will help you ensure that your entire portfolio is aligned and funded to create and maintain the solutions needed to meet business targets.

How We Work

To ensure a successful outcome for agile transformation initiatives, our approach consists of five different steps with distinct objectives for each.

• Current-state assessment

• Implementation roadmap

• Roadmap execution

• Ongoing training and coaching

• Continuous agility health assessment and progress metrics tracking

Contact us today to learn more.